Five Best Sites For Your Book Promotion On The Web

(Social Media for Book Promotion), Part II

Social networking sites grew by 60+ million users in the last 6 month period. There are dozens of very popular places an author could join, but unless you really want to miss your deadline and annoy your publisher, it is better to prioritize. To that end I recommend the following strategy. For each of these sites, when you set up an account, be sure to put a link to your website, a picture of your upcoming book, and a link to your blog, if you have one.

1. Start accounts on Facebook and Myspace, if you do not yet have them. Myspace is the third ranked website in the USA, only Yahoo and Google are more often visited, so swallow any of your reservations and begin there. One in fifty people worldwide have a Facebook account, can you afford not to? Later (or now, if you are already on top of these) you can turn your attention to sites that are specialized like, or mycrimespace. In later articles I will go into more depth on all the sites discussed in this article.

2. Twitter. It’s quick and easy, and some day you may just get addicted. But you have to have it, to stay in rapid touch with fans, peers and others when you get your networking activities rolling. Get an account, and when you have your profile ready and a password, then go to summize and twellow. Twellow has a directory; you need to enter some basic information so others can find you.

3. Digg and Stumbleupon are your next stops. Digg is a social news site (later you will want to join at least one other such site) and Stumbleupon is similar, but its has  a focus on saving and sharing bookmarks of the sites you like the most.

OK, well there are a lot more to join, but for now its time to get familiar with the terrain. In the next series of articles, I will begin with a discussion of networking; helping you determine how to make friends and fans feel a part of it all.

After that, we will explore blogs and how writing blogs, or commenting in other author’s blogs, can help you become a welcome and contributing member of the growing internet community that will, if you are a good author, help your book rise to the surface and get noticed across the internet.

Then we will offer a series of “how to” articles that will take you a little more into what you don’t yet know about each of the sites mentioned in this article.

Finally, a series of more advanced offerings will discuss blog book tours, podcasting, how to find and make use of a niche in your social media efforts, a survey of book review sites, and ideas about where to go next.

Other Links in this Series:
Part I: Overview of Social Media: New Opportunities for Book Promotion
Part III: Friends or Fans? Social Networking Basics for Authors

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5 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. […] Five Best Sites For Your Book Promotion On The Web « Author-Friendly Weblog said, […]

  2. These are good suggestions for authors getting started on social media platforms, although I might disagree about the importance of Myspace for authors.

    But because starting on even five sites can be overwhelming, it’s important not to try to do everything at once. It’s a good idea for authors to get comfortable using one site before adding a second site.

    Facebook is a very good place to start, especially because after setting up a personal profile page, authors can create a group page or fan (business) page for a book.

  3. i’ve recommended these to my blogger readers also. a good list and a great way to keep in touch! thanks for sharing.

    check out-

  4. […] other artcles in the series: Part I: Overview of Social Media: New Opportunities for Book Promotion Part II: Five Best Sites for Your Book Promotion Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Five Best Tools To Start Your Book Promotion On […]

  5. As viral marketers and book promoters, we couldn’t agree more with what you say. We use MySpace first due to its open platform. People don’t understand the power behind that portal. It is most excellent! Very beneficial as a marketing tool when you do it the right way, and there are right and wrong things people can do there. One path creates exposure and success; the other does little for you. We also are big into Twitter. I LOVE that place! I agree. Get addicted. Follow people. Follow companies. Follow publishers, agents, fans, readers, etc. And you can directly communicate there, too. And go away to the followers sites and come back. At first I was suspicious of this new tool. Now I’m hooked and see its benefits totally. We get business from Twitter. And we get cool friends who we can invite to other pages. We suggest choosing only three of these tools. One only has so much time. We say MySpace, Twitter and one other that is geared to authors specifically, where they can meet readers and industry professionals. I like this article. Very good information. Authors… listen to this blogger!

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